Most askedHow do I park a Check?
Most askedHow does a trip start and end?
How do I unplug my Check car from a charging station?
How do I charge my Check car?
Can I book a Check in advance?
Do I have to charge Check cars after every ride?
How do I ride a Check safely?
Where can I park and end my ride?
Where should I drive a Check scooter?
Avoid traffic fines
The Parking Check
Accident or report damage?
Can I ride to another city?
Can I drive outside the service area?
How do I get my phone in the phone holder?
What happens if I get a fine?
Are you allowed to ride the scooter with two people?
When can I use the scooters? And what are your opening times?
Do I have to wear a helmet?
Can I temporarily park a Check during my ride?
How do I open the topcase for a helmet?
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Check Technologies B.V.

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