Check support

Do you want to report a disturbance or another issue with a Check vehicle? Then please fill out the form.

Your report will be evaluated by our Support Team. If we have enough information and reason to determine a disturbance, we will resolve the problem as quickly as possible. In any case, you will receive a message from us.

Are you already a customer and experiencing a problem? Then please contact us via the app.



Vehicle details

This way, we'll know immediately what it's about.
Please take a clear photo of the vehicle AND the situation so that we can assess it.


At what time did you notice the issue? This way, we can address the previous user.

Your details

We will use this information to get in touch with you if we have any further questions.

Check logo

Questions or issues? Reach out via email at We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Check Technologies B.V.

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